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Share location live Perhaps the most important and the best feature of the Telegram app is its security. It is based on the MTProto protocol that is built upon time-tested algorithms. It enables high-speed, reliable message delivery on weak connections. Share Live Location 1b

Keep-Alive Service While you can receive/send files irrespective of their type and size, you can disable automatic media download and auto-play media to save mobile data. This way, you can also avoid downloading unnecessarily large files. Telegram offers you to create and use your own custom theme with whatever colors you want. Also, it offers many ways to customize it the way you want it to. There is nothing to pay for anything. Everything is FREE and you can create your own personalized theme with your favorite colors. Doubled limits for almost everything in the app

By subscribing to Telegram Premium, users unlock doubled limits, 4 GB file uploads, faster downloads, exclusive stickers and reactions, improved chat management – and a whole lot more. From suicide to graft: After power shift in Mumbai, key cases go on the b... Plus, if you’re using the “secret chats” feature, you’re getting the same level of end-to-end encryption. On top of this, users can’t forward or screenshot messages in secret chats, and messages can be programmed to self-destruct. Deleting a message also deletes it for everyone on the service, and users have the option to delete not just their own messages, but other users’ messages, too. It’s also worth mentioning that all chats are encrypted, even if not end-to-end encrypted. Is Telegram free?

All usernames on Telegram have their own links, making it easy to share public profile, group or channel anywhere on the internet. Every username will now have a new unique link format – – for those who want to emphasize their name (or have trouble finding the / key). Do you enjoy using both light and dark modes? Telegram has an auto-night feature so the app doesn't blind you at night.

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